Nuxeo 2021-HF02
By Nuxeo
Download and install the latest hotfix to keep your Nuxeo up-to-date. Changes will take effects after restart.
Hotfix installation
Please make sure you consult the page Hotfix Installation Notes for any additional actions needed to complete the installation.
Main correction(s) provided
- CSV export handles missing properties on document for Vocabulary metadata.
- MongoDB query maxTime is fixed.
- The operations RenderDocument & RenderDocumentFeed are usable with REST.
- Unpublishing a source document loads only the published documents.
- The Signature Algorithm for SAML is configurable.
- The bulk status is kept for 24h in case of error.
- Security policies are taken into account by Annotations in NEV
- Files shared among Google Drive accounts are correctly uploaded with LiveConnect
- Aspera connector retrieves blob from Folderish File documents.
- CAS authentication redirects with a HTTP 302 when anonymous is enabled.
- Transaction timeout is prevented during updateThumbnailListener execution.
- A timeout is added to command line execution.
- CommandLine timeout is disabled on Windows.
- Picture migration is removed from startup.
- The local configuration for subtypes is inherited to subfolders.
- Carriage return characters are escaped in the CSV export.
- The returned HTTP status code of a REST/Automation request is based on thrown exception.
- The thumbnail is correctly generated for Audio documents.
- File content is unchanged after an exiftool failure.
- Docker image now uses LibreOffice 7.1.1
- Enricher priority is now taken into account when overriding an enricher.
- [Docker image] Fix package installation at runtime with packages/store mounted as a volume
- Possible NPE in KafkaLogTailer.close
- No principal with automation in the context of a scheduler event
- Fix CSV Import tests on huge files taking too long
- Update Aspera preview configuration with the new S3 Blob Provider
- WriteColdStorage permission not visible in permissions UI
- Fix cleanup of packages backup directory when using
- Kafka topic not available after creation
New Feature(s)
- The maximum query execution time on MongoDB side is now aligned with the Nuxeo transaction.
- The new blob key is used for old blob used concurrently with async digest computation.
- The new field ecm:blobKeys is added to denormalize the list of all blob keys.
- A new property is added to compute blob digest asynchronously when Nuxeo doesn't see the blob content at upload time.
- Add new default picker page provider
- Improve pipeline error handling
- Use helmfile to ease a full nuxeo deployment with the nuxeo Helm chart
- CI Pipelines to build and promote LTS 2021 HF
- Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.45
- Disambiguate unit test and preview K8s namespaces
- Fix random ConfigurationMarshallerTest.testPersistNuxeoConf*
- The user change token is used as WOPI item version.
- Additional logs are produced for S3 downloads.
- Workflow model import uses a cluster-wide lock.
- Nuxeo health check traces failures.
- The RemoteIp Valve is added to Tomcat configuration.
- The Bulk scroller completes a command in error when a query times out.
- S3 configuration parameters have been externalized to nuxeo.conf.
- Elasticsearch passthrough is configurable with certificates from private certificate authorities.
- Write a generic message for exception mapped to HTTP error code >= 500
- Improve filtering of timer metrics for Datadog
- Allow adding new templates without overriding the whole nuxeo.templates property
- Split functional test runs in tiers
- Deploy a released org.nuxeo:nuxeo-parent artifact for each build
- Tag the locally built LTS 2021 Docker image with 'latest-lts'
- Rely on the blob key for download using aspera
- Aspera add client timeout configuration
- Provide a way to detect that document is created or updated via CSV import in automation
- Make customisable Aspera Blob configuration
JIRA release notes
Compatible Target Platforms
LTS 2025 | LTS 2023 | LTS 2021 | LTS 2019 | LTS 2017 | |
1.0.0 |