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By Nuxeo

Hotfix 20 and lower are required to install this package Main corrections provided: - fix HTTP session leak on open URLs - fix security context leaks in JBoss - fix fulltext query badly interpreted by PostgreSQL - fix empty session when using LoginAs operation - fix BulkLifeCycleChangeListener not to set versions to deleted - fix warnings involving CoreInstance when using WebDAV connection - fix permission visibility - allow disabling of tx reponse buffered on URLs - improve PosgtreSQL query plan for multi fulltext search Specific installation step: - If you're using the Jboss distribution under *nix, you'll have to remove manually server/default/deploy/nuxeo.ear/bundles/nuxeo-core-storage-sql-5.4.2-HF20.jar - For JBoss, you need to update your nuxeo.conf by adding the following line JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS Complete release notes is available at: Changes will take effects after restart.