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Hotfix 12 and lower are required to install this package Main corrections provided: - better transaction handling with web services - better escaping in query for Oracle keywords - fix control panel Specific installation step: - If you're running MS Windows, you need to upgrade manually the file $NUXEO_HOME/bin/nuxeo-launcher.jar Stop Nuxeo DM, download the file from our maven repository Then replace nuxeo-launcher.jar with nuxeo-launcher-5.4.2-HF13-jar-with-dependencies.jar, and keep the name nuxeo-launcher.jar - If you're using the Jboss distribution under *nix you'll have to remove manually server/default/deploy/nuxeo.ear/bundles/nuxeo-core-storage-sql-5.4.2-HF12b.jar The other issues fixed by this package are described here: Changes will take effects after restart.